Sunday, December 19, 2010

The power of 262 Australians

As we approached the end our our cruise on Oriana, there were 262 Australian passengers onboard. As I understand it, they were all "dreaming of a white Christmas". I wonder if they still are??

Here we are - just 24 hours after arrival in Southampton and trying to get some food from the local ASDA to restock the normally almost empty larder in my son's apartment.


  1. Well done Barry, you made it. What part of UK are you in ? Nice white Chrissie for you, it is a wonder you made it out of the dock, what with the snow. All over the news here. I have relos in Bath, Trowbridge, Windsor, London and Southend.

    Enjoy..Les NSWP on CC

  2. Les

    We are in London. We were lucky (again) in that the forecast was for this snow to hit the day we arrived in Southampton- but it was good weather and allowed us to easily get up into the city. The snow came a day later for us.

    Weatherwise - we were lucky on the whole trip, with bad weather in Asia and the Middle East being either in front of us or behind us as we travelled.
