Thursday, November 11, 2010

For Joy

This posting is for our good friend Joy. I am updating this Blog by sending pre-prepared emails to with photos attached - however, as the Internet connection is slow, I am not able to see the
Blog itself on the WWW (while onboard the ship). So, while we were in Cairns, I took the opportunity to have a look at the Blog to see that the email system of updating was working. Fortunately it is. I could see
that there were a number of comments - one of which was a request from Joy to see me in my Tuxedo on our first Formal night. So here you are Joy - what a giggle, Hey??
We have another Formal night tonight - so I might wear my gold vest with the Tux.

1 comment:

  1. you both look smashing,and I feel like I am also on the trip with you, keep up the good work, JOY
