With a bit of "mixing and matching", I reckon that I have 6 Formal outfits to wear before I have to start over. With 19 Formal nights on the way to Southampton, I will need it. I can't speak for Christine - so far I haven't seen her in the same outfit twice, but even she will have her limitations.
We arrive in Hong Kong tomorrow and we are losing quite a few staff, including our very good cabin Steward Cruz, our evening Dining Room waiters and our excellent Deputy Cruise Director, Dom. Dom does try very hard - he turned up for our thoroughly enjoyable "Name that Tune" quiz during the daily Happy Hour dressed in "Tropical Black tie" (for those who don't know what that is, Google it) - inside a full gorilla outfit. We thought the gorilla outfit was amusing enough - and very brave considering the tropical conditions we have been experiencing even with onboard airconditioning - but then to later strip that off and reveal his "James Bond - For your eyes only" white jacketed outfit earned him the absolute maximum in brownie points amongst the passengers.
This morning -as I write this - we are crossing the South China Sea from the Phillipines to Hong Kong. For the first time since leaving Brisbane we are experiencing some largish seas. I reckon that the swells are about 3-4 metres at the moment - but the Captain has warned us that they will increase during the day to around 5 metres. It is only 24 hours to Hong Kong from here and it is probably good that we are getting some seas, because it has been so calm until now that we have not been able to grow our sea legs. One night I got out of bed to have a look out of the window because I thought we had stopped. But we were getting along at 21 knots and the water was so calm that the ship felt like a city building - it has been like that since Brisbane
You can view a Youtube video about "what to do" on seadays while cruising here
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