The days in these ports are good long ones with most departures after at least 6PM. This should allow us to have a bit of a wander around the local area in many ports, after we have returned from our shore tours.
I do note that, unfortunately, it is going to be dark at 6 AM when we berth at Southampton.

Brisbane - 0800-1800
Whitsunday - 0800-1730
Yorkeys Knob 0830-1800
Manila - 0800- -1800
Hong Kong - 0800 - 2359
Phu My - 0700 - 1900
Laem Chabang - 0700 - 1900
Ko Samui - 0800 - 1800
Singapore - 0800 - 2000
Port Kelang - 0800 - 1800
Mumbai - 0700 - 1800
Sharm el Sheikh - 0700-1730
Suez - 0330 - 0430
Suez Canal - 0600 - 1600
Port Said - 1700 - 1800
Piraeus - 0800 - 1800
Lisbon - 0800 - 1730
Southampton - 0600
Thanks for that Barry, you get all the good info, Narelle.